Difference between revisions of "2770-3343 Changelog"

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Revision as of 16:40, 12 February 2008

FTE QuakeWorld changelog

Changes from 2770 to 3343: - Ruleset cvar fixes - Support for X11 mwheel conventions - Updated menu_demo - Fix client packet flood - Fixed bad assumptions with software renderer - Fix PCX loading - NQ servers fix - Draw the scoreboard correctly on largegames - Made qtvplay work a bit better - Work around for ktx not supporting fte's alias arguments - Added limited compatibility with darkplaces' alias arguments - Skin bug fix - CSQC now works on big endian systems - Increase maximum macro size and fix endless loop bug caused by empty macros - Add support for \ (backslash) in macros - Include plugin-support in mingl - Attempt to fix the quad/pent glows not appearing on bots - Clean up with gl_flashblend and r_dynamic usage - Fix to own-lightning not updating after spectating - Fix to enemy skin on team mates - Ensure saved return values are in a locked temp, and not corrupted by the following function call - Updated the pcx loader(s), to ensure that min offsets are handled correctly and consistently - Make playqtv slightly more robust - Changed the pf_clientstat function and parameters to match the ordering originally documented in the ext_csqc extension - Updated qclib to support querying fields based on their offset rather than purely a name basis, to support the clientstat change - Fix for #define macro parameters in fteqcc - Changed name of ruleset to 'nqr'. Allowed playercount in 'nqr'. - Model clamping implemented - Expanded the maximum length of frame macro names to 64-1 characters - Added a message when a frame macro name is too long. - Fixed bugs regarding reading the pcx file format for player skins - Fixed a bug in the colour-mapping code regarding player skins with sizes smaller than the player's model's skin - Optimised the uploaded image size when small skins are used - Don't let gl_texturemode2d affect the console font. - More consistent archiving - r_fastskycolour accepts rgb format - Compress the scoreboard to fit team names - Make pings update correctly on the scoreboard - Added initial support for eztv extensions - Fixed some demo playback sbar stats - Fixed NQ demo playback. - New cvar, vid_preservegamma.

 Set it to 0 to obliterate your old gamma settings when you leave FTE. 
 This mimics the use of quake3 to reset your gamma settings should FTE crash on you. 
 The default is to restore gamma settings to how they were when you first loaded FTE, the same as before. 
 You can now use FTE to reset your gamma if FTE crashed and broke it. 
 Only applies to the windows version so far.

- Link engine viewmodels if the specified draw mask is specified - Fixed lightning beam origins for spectated players. - More meaningful name for unnamed clients - Added a 'newalias' command. Exactly like alias but does nothing if it already exists. - Changed sound cvars, backwards compability using the name2-field - Basic ezQuake color code stripping. - Changed default rate - D3D renderers actually render - Fixed a couple of qtvplay bugs - A proper fix for the setjmp bug converning non-jpeg's being passed to the jpeg library, for the "Bad number of componants in jpeg" console print. - Added a workaround for eztv proxies. - Security measures to prevent cheating with instant-join - Fixed faulty logic regarding allow_luma. Added a rule to allow everything when you're spectating - Prevent a crash due to particles being loaded before the map - Fix in map loading code, quake can now load dm6++ - Small fix to Q2 model code - Workaround for the DP_SV_BOTCLIENT speedbug on listen servers - Use tp_name cvars where possible. - Naming standard being followed: DP_QC_BOTCLIENT -> DP_SV_BOTCLIENT - Workaround for broken bot angles. - Speedburst/Speedhack/Z-Fighting/libjpeg/conback etc problems resolved - Removed the oldmovement code in DP_QC_BOTCLIENT - s/possabilities/possibilities, sv_displaypossabilities has changed name. - Better botclient movement code - Another small fix to Quake 2 model loading - s/compatable/compatible (take notice that sv_compatablehulls will have a changed name too) - Fixed so cfg_save will put .cfg at the end if not specified. - Botclient ucmd.angles are now correct - Basic team overlay - Allowed plugins a way to get location info from the engine - Resolved the movement-got-changed issue - Fix a crash that happens with a too long uptime - New scoreboard stuff:

 scr_scoreboard_newstyle for a facelift
 scr_scoreboard_teamscores for more info during teamplay
 Both set to 1 as default

- Fixed bot support - Now registering the in_xflip cvar - Support for Fodquake video code in software rendering - Replaced "banned by ruleset" with " " when reporting player counts - Fix for the ruleset cvar latching problem with the string-field being null - f_ruleset - 64bit qvm compatability - Added cvars so you can put the built in http server on a custom port - Removed gl_loadmd2/gl_loadmd3, added r_replacemodels, r_particlesdesc is now separated by spaces and ; - Fix so that MVDSV does not kick for userinfo spamming - Teamskins work properly with funchars and uppercase letters in teamnames - Improved q1qvm support - now runs on 64bit servers with 32bit qvm - Added support for q1-like qvms (mvdsv style) - Fixes to DP7 downloading - Fix for demonum/# crashes and downloads - Fix for some allow_download_* cvars - Added sv_minping - Added sv_cullplayers_trace and sv_cullentities_trace - Shortened the ruleset sound length to 10 secs - Modified the rcon-command: "rcon <password> cmd" works without needing to set rcon_password every time - Fix so that pl is not outside the table margins - Draw "spec" for teamplay 0 and "spectator" for teamplay 1 - Fix so that spectators are shown with a "spectator"-tag like it should - Added pm_pground by Tonik - Fix rare error condition with downloads under DP protocol - Fix scr_autoid: Don't draw it for the local player, tracked player and dead players. - Fix to loading screen in nexuiz - Slightly less broken .view2 support - Added key combo CTRL + PGDN/PGUP for scrolling one screen. Also works for CTRL + MWHEEL - Added bugs relating to scr_scoreboard_* cvars, broken indepphysics, and generally screwed up - Fixed a spam bug when watching mvds - Fixes a 64-bit sw crash - Tweeked stepheight a little, added 'cmd efpslist' - This makes alsa tolerable - don't default to the default. - Fixed sw renderer's console background when the input image is not 320*200 - Fixed 64bit compatability. - Don't crash quite so hard on big endian systems. - Make the default sv_stepheight 18. - Fixed a memory leak the size of Russia. - Fixed Ogg support a bit - Enhanced DarkPlaces/Nuxuiz compatability - Added gl_texturemode2d - Fixed an nq network message corruption bug with large reliables - CSQC is supported on the server with the DP7 protocol - sv_listen_qw can be switched off leaving sv_listen_dp enabled in order to force DP to connect with a specific protocol - Fixed the comma operator to function correctly - Support for reverse qtv connections. (server can now connect to qtv to stream the game, rather than the qtv having to know about the server) - Small tweek that makes qtv slightly more usable without leaving the client. - D3D renderer. - CRC fix - Fixed the ent.field.field += bug; by swapping the order of statements. - Added support for the ?: trinary operator. - Software renderer fixes. - New qc extension: DP_QC_UNLIMITEDTEMPSTRINGS (assuming pr_tempstringcount = 0) - Fixed a couple of issues with msg_entity being random. - Some Q3 fixes - Only interpret splitscreen usercommands if that client actually has splitscreen enabled. (This fixes an incompatability with ktpro) - Can now load Quake 2 game files from an absolute path. - Added 'combo' menu script commands (one var, multiple descrete values). - Tabs in configs are now handled more correctly. - Added a quick connect menu option which joins the client to the most populated server with a ping under 50. Mod/gamedir is not considered. - Fix independant physics - Fix AVI recording - Fix PNG screenshots under AMD64 - Fix 8bpp screenshots under X - De-spammified Hexen2. - Fix red glows issue in hexen2 - Don't send random stack contents to the client with chunked downloads if the file size modulo is not 1024 or if the client requests an out of bounds block. - Delay map changes until after the renderer is set, rather than setting one as part of the map change. - Fixed the rotation instant death in h2 - NQ mod waterjump bug fixed. - When sounds can't be found, don't spam the same message over and over again. - Added code to check for truncated BSPs. - Support forward declaration of classes (hopefully). Reject declarations of already declared classes. - Fix prediction bug. - Raised the runaway loop limit - Improved debugging, can assign functions to variables in the debugger. - Fix nexuiz menus - Add a couple of extra qc-breakpoints on entity overflows. - aliaslist can be used to show only the alises sent from the server - so you know which commands are available. - Added a non-destructive way to get out of qc menus to the console (shift+escape). - Told the server how to send TE_TEI_BIGEXPLOSION, for nexuiz. - Stopping nexuiz from looping infinatly with lots of new bots being spawned.. - Fixed colour codes in centerprints. - Fix incorrect traces in Quake3 - Add commands skipdl/finishdl, forces current QW download to end with finishdl saving the file and skipdl deleting it - Added cl_dlemptyterminate

 When set to 1 the client will assume downloads are finished when a empty (0 size) svc_download is received (defaults to 1)

- Ensure server treats percent value properly with downloads - Ignore challanges from differing protocols (happens with a client connecting to an sv_listen 2 server) - Fix for sys_colorconsole on windows - Fix frame lerp - Dynamically allocate client baselines (should save about 2MB of memory on typical servers) - Bounds check baselines (stops invalid svc_spawnbaseline from crashing) - Don't Sys_Error with NULL Q2 setmodel call - Properly fallthrough if bSetupPixelFormat fails - Fix menu staying while playing a cinematic - Change default particle execs from server to local restrict level (server restrict screws over chain-loading) - Fix player frame/frame lerp with MVD - Misc fixes

FTE QuakeWorld changelog

Changes from 2666 to 2770: - Fix to deathmatch/map catching for loc files - Fix infinite loop with server color parsing - Fixes to sys_colorconsole - Fixes to extended code parsing - Physics fixes - Software menu fixes - Fix to failed renderer restart logic - Fixes to NQ client (use cl_nolerp 0) - Load 16 bit per channel pngs with no alpha - Don't spam console with "Connection lost or aborted" with NQ client disconnects - Fix loading graphic on reinit - Removable of the cfg_save x.cfg -> x.cfg.cfg situation - Fix crash with Q2 server - Server/client handles Q2 map checksum - Q2 Server sets airaccelerate on init - Fixes to several Q2 trails/tempents - Fix default skybox on Q2 maps - Fix bloom/gl_max_size issue - Fix to 6 speaker sound - snd_mixahead inaccuracy fix - Q2 'wireframe players' fix - Made Q2 with high visible entity counts more robust - Fix HL sprites on big-endian machines - Remove mapname macro to fix $mapname - Misc fixes for Quake 2 - Fix crash with HTTP downloading - Fix cl_chatmode 1, and allow autorepeats on everything - Prevent 8bpp GL because Up2nOgOoD[ROCK] wouldn't shut up about it - Internal changes to cvars, some cvars update instantly - vid_width/vid_height/vid_bpp 0 will use default desktop settings - Added vid_desktopsettings which uses default width/height/bpp/refresh rate - Command line -current maps to vid_desktopsettings 1 - Added gl_smoothcrosshair, defaults to 1, 0 = don't smooth, 1 = old behavior (smooth on crosshairsize > 16 or using image) - Player model interpolation works again - Fixed some endian issues with FTE protocol extensions - gl_font should now update the menu cache conchars texture - Particle field spawnparam2 changes starting degree for spiral trail - vid_wait aliased to _vid_wait_override properly, command completion will now show renamed cvars (like mapname, host_setspeed, vid_wait) correctly - Fixes to buffer overflows - Changed grenade trail and te_railtrail in spikeset particle set, added a te_railtrail to highfps particle set - Fixes to logging logic - Only attempt to load npr textures with r_drawflat 2 - vid_hardwaregamma switched to renderer latch (pretty much had to use vid_restart anyway) - Add r_particlesdesc callback and removed latch, r_particlesdesc will now reload particle set on change - Support r_particlesdesc chain loading; use r_particledesc "x;y;etc" to load multiple configs - Removed shaft effect from spikeset, created new tsshaft set and added it into sets - Change r_particlesdesc default to "spikeset;tsshaft" - Reallocate command buffer properly - Progress loading bar thing - Added snd_linearresample for better quality resampling, defaults to 1 - Use better mixing for 8-bit sounds - Fix snd_numspeakers 1 - sv_tcpport -> sv_port_tcp, added sv_port/sv_port_ipx/sv_port_ipv6 defaulting to 27500, use 0 to disable and shutdown protocol, -port/-svport redirect to these cvars - Clean up mixer code, should solve some problems with popping noises - Fix bug with cl_maxfps 0 and demo playback causing lockup - Fix netquake demo playback - Support non-power of 2 sound buffer sizes - Add snd_samplebits to change sample bit size (defaults to 16, can use 8), add snd_buffersize to control driver buffer size (usable with ALSA and directsound, defaults to 0 which lets the driver decide) - Fix up some q2 sound effects and handle sound delays - Isolated selectable menu pictures (Q2), solves strange problem where a massive fps drop occurs with the first Q1 main menu option selected - Added stupid hack for gl_fb_models 1;r_fullbrightskins 1, changed allow fbskins logic, r_fullbrightskins defaults to 0 - Optimization to dlights - r_floorcolour/r_wallcolour uses 0-255 range - r_drawflat/r_floorcolour/r_wallcolour for software, use alpha blending instead of stippling for alpha surfaces in software - r_wateralpha for software rendering, buggy - Add cl_gunx/cl_guny/cl_gunz, remove r_viewmodelsize as it doesn't match fuh/ezquake implementation - Add cl_gunanglex/cl_gunangley/cl_gunanglez - Added track/track1/track2/track3/track4 - r_rockettrail/r_grenadetrail will correctly update on change, r_rockettrail/r_grenadetrail "" will revert to default instead of no trail - gl_conback loads from gfx/ instead of conbacks/ - Prevent buffer overrun with map name - Precision fix for ftos - Added pr_brokenfloatconvert which enables the old ftos behavior, defaults to 0 - Negative values of show_fps show milliseconds per frame instead of FPS - Fixed software skybox rendering - Fixed server banning, banip works properly and accepts the format x.x.x.x/n and x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x, added unban and banlist - Partial ipv4 addresses work for bans - Ban with reasons (ex. ban "I hate people on LANs") - addip/removeip/listip can use the same format as ban (and now work for ipv6/ipx) - Fix to master cvars - Don't crash when worldmodel doesn't get loaded for the client - v_*cshift/v_bonusflash vars default to 1 - Matched pmove with ZQuake - Software renderer with plugins fix - r_powerupglow now actually works - Fixed TGA loading when PNG support is enabled - Fix easyrecord command - Added pr_droptofloorunits, sets how many units droptofloor QuakeC call will drop, defaults to "" which drops up to 256 units (Quake default) - Add sv_floodprotect to control flood protection, defaults to 1 - Add sv_floodprotect_messages/sv_floodprotect_interval/sv_floodprotect_silencetime cvars - Add sv_floodprotect_suicide, sv_floodprotect_sendmessage - Fix to QCLIB progs alignment - Change TE_BLOB to TE_TAREXPLOSION in particle sets, change TE_BIGEXPLOSION to TE_TEI_BIGEXPLOSION - Fix centerprints/stuffcmds not being written to mvds - Added snd_linearsample_stream, 1 will use linear resampling with RoQ/CIN playback, defaults to 0 - gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering is now a cvar with archive flag set - Added linear downsampling, use snd_linearsample 2 and/or snd_linearsample_stream 2 to enable - Add r_drawflat_nonworldmodel, defaults to 0 - Fix cl_nopext 1 issue where entity effects do not appear on powerups - Support/fix for mice with a relative mousewheel under directinput, use m_forcewheel_threshold to adjust and m_forcewheel 2 to use relative wheel behavior - Upgrade zlib and libpng - Fix for NQ mods that write out strings using WriteByte (such as conquest) - Force flame models to render fullbright again - Fix NetQuake/DP* parsing for newer features - Don't expand certain cvars from insecure command calls - Fix server stuffcmd command - Fix graphic error with 8-bit images and gl_blend2d - Don't Sys_Error loading textures when out of scrap space - gl_fontedgeclamp to gl_fontinwardstep, fix gl_fontinwardstep and make it accept a float range (0-1) - Add scr_sshot_compression, sets level for png/jpg compression, ranges from 0-100 defaults to 75 - EF_ADDITIVE should work under QW protocol for NQ mods - Protocol fixes for server bot "clients" - Fix console selection alignment - Fix limit pitch/yaw fpd flags

Changes from 2600 to 2666:

 - Fix to mouse input with plugins
 - Added slectable text with console
 - Made alias more like FuhQuake
 - Use 3dfx extension with setting gamma
 - Changed gl_ztrick to default to 0
 - Server downloads are unzipped before being sent
 - Fixed buffer overflow with HTTP client
 - Fixed crashes with player setup menu
 - Added particle fields beamtexstep/beamtexspeed for beam texture manipulation
 - Added particle field alphadelta, which obsoletes alphachange
 - Fix to locs with software rendering
 - Fix to plugin texture loading
 - Fix to ambient sound loop
 - Added in_restart to restart input
 - Fix to JPEG screenshot error
 - Fixed crashes with Direct3D wrapper
 - Fixes to onground physics
 - Added f_qizmoconnect team trigger
 - Added f_demostart team trigger
 - sound/ is no longer forced in front of sound file names
 - Allow longer skin names
 - Allow Quake 2 to use 24-bit player skins
 - Fix to gl_font
 - viewmodel alpha works with some shaders
 - Added sw_surfcachesize, essentially -surfcachesize but only needing vid_restart
 - Extended color/alpha blending for 8-bit software
 - scr_conalpha added, works in GL and software
 - Archive snd_khz
 - Fix to model interpolation
 - Fixed servers.txt reading with server browser
 - Added colormod support
 - Added new server browser
 - Fix to TF teleporter skin bug
 - Added sv_gameplay_honest_tracelines, defaults to 1
 - Added r_bloom
 - Cosmetic fix to cuff command
 - Assure that bsp entity lump null terminates, fixing loading with maps such as 2fort5p
 - Added r_drawflame, enables or disables flame drawing
 - Added gameclock
 - roq/avi can play on shaders
 - Added support for Up2's mcharset
 - Ignore semicolons in comments inside console scripts
 - Fixes to Quake 3 and derivative maps
 - Fix erroneous timeouts with NetQuake demons
 - crosshaircolor/r_menutint/con_selectioncolour can use either a Quake palette index or
   R/G/B format values
 - Fix to sys_colorconsole for Linux dedicated servers
 - Added gl_lightmap_shift, use with gl_overbright to produce light levels like software
   in GL
 - Fixes to gl_texturemode
 - Failed model and map loading will no longer cause FTE to quit
 - Fixed some possible memory leaks with failed model loads
 - MDL version 3 support
 - Disabled mvdplay, use FTEQTV instead
 - cl_shownet 2 fixes
 - Added playqtv
 - Fixed shaded wateralpha surfaces not drawing
 - Fixes to sv_http/sv_ftp logic
 - r_menutint uses a shader for GL, looks more like the software effect
 - Fix to spr32 loading with software
 - Added vid_multisample
 - Hexen 2 class selection
 - Added vid_conautoscale which allows vid_conheight/vid_conwiidth to be updated based on scale
   of current resolution
 - Added and corrected slider graphics for browser
 - Fixes to 'vote kick'/op_load bug in CuTF
 - cl_parsewhitetext defaults to 1
 - Misc fixes to team scripts
 - Misc fixes to CSQC
 - Misc fixes to Quake 2
 - Misc fixes to NetQuake
 - Misc crash fixes