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Revision as of 06:07, 30 October 2005 by Moodles (talk | contribs)

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Name: watervis
Default value: ""
Flags: serverinfo

This server-side cvar is mirrored to serverinfo as a hint to clients on whether the server is using the so-called watervised maps.

0 = No watervis.
1 = GLQuake users can see through water if they set r_wateralpha to a value < 1.

It's a bad idea to use watervis 1 if the maps the server is using are not watervised. Water will appear 'transparent' but you won't be able to see any items/players/etc through it. And it is a bad idea anyway because Quake maps were not designed for transparent water; enabling it changes gameplay, decreases fps and produces more network traffic and puts non-GL players at a disadvantage because the software renderer doesn't support transparent water (yet).

Not saved to config with cfg_save command.