Cl standardchat

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Revision as of 05:07, 1 November 2005 by Moodles (talk | contribs)

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Name: cl_standardchat
Default value: "0"
Cvar flags: None
FTEQW Builds: Software Renderer OpenGL Renderer Minimal GL Build Merged Build Linux Build

With standard chat off, your chat text will appear a different color on your client, and other people's chat text will be a different color too on your client.

Turning standard chat on "1", will return colors back to the normal charset.

userid on the server will determine which color your text will output as.

In TeamFortress, text will come out red or cyan depending on which team you're in.

You can also use "setinfo tc x", where x is a number for a color to force a color, useful if you want to to keep just 1 chat color.