Difference between revisions of "2666-2770 Changelog"

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Latest revision as of 09:21, 18 July 2006

Changes from 2666 to 2770:

- Fix to deathmatch/map catching for loc files
- Fix infinite loop with server color parsing
- Fixes to sys_colorconsole
- Fixes to extended code parsing
- Physics fixes
- Software menu fixes
- Fix to failed renderer restart logic
- Fixes to NQ client (use cl_nolerp 0)
- Load 16 bit per channel pngs with no alpha
- Don't spam console with "Connection lost or aborted" with NQ client disconnects
- Fix loading graphic on reinit
- Removable of the cfg_save x.cfg -> x.cfg.cfg situation
- Fix crash with Q2 server
- Server/client handles Q2 map checksum
- Q2 Server sets airaccelerate on init
- Fixes to several Q2 trails/tempents
- Fix default skybox on Q2 maps
- Fix bloom/gl_max_size issue
- Fix to 6 speaker sound
- snd_mixahead inaccuracy fix
- Q2 'wireframe players' fix
- Made Q2 with high visible entity counts more robust
- Fix HL sprites on big-endian machines
- Remove mapname macro to fix $mapname
- Misc fixes for Quake 2
- Fix crash with HTTP downloading
- Fix cl_chatmode 1, and allow autorepeats on everything
- Prevent 8bpp GL because Up2nOgOoD[ROCK] wouldn't shut up about it
- Internal changes to cvars, some cvars update instantly
- vid_width/vid_height/vid_bpp 0 will use default desktop settings
- Added vid_desktopsettings which uses default width/height/bpp/refresh rate
- Command line -current maps to vid_desktopsettings 1
- Added gl_smoothcrosshair, defaults to 1, 0 = don't smooth, 1 = old behavior (smooth on crosshairsize > 16 or using image)
- Player model interpolation works again
- Fixed some endian issues with FTE protocol extensions
- gl_font should now update the menu cache conchars texture
- Particle field spawnparam2 changes starting degree for spiral trail
- vid_wait aliased to _vid_wait_override properly, command completion will now show renamed cvars (like mapname, host_setspeed,  vid_wait) correctly
- Fixes to buffer overflows 
- Changed grenade trail and te_railtrail in spikeset particle set, added a te_railtrail to highfps particle set
- Fixes to logging logic
- Only attempt to load npr textures with r_drawflat 2
- vid_hardwaregamma switched to renderer latch (pretty much had to use vid_restart anyway)
- Add r_particlesdesc callback and removed latch, r_particlesdesc will now reload particle set on change
- Support r_particlesdesc chain loading; use r_particledesc "x;y;etc" to load multiple configs
- Removed shaft effect from spikeset, created new tsshaft set and added it into sets
- Change r_particlesdesc default to "spikeset;tsshaft"
- Reallocate command buffer properly
- Progress loading bar thing
- Added snd_linearresample for better quality resampling, defaults to 1
- Use better mixing for 8-bit sounds
- Fix snd_numspeakers 1
- sv_tcpport -> sv_port_tcp, added sv_port/sv_port_ipx/sv_port_ipv6 defaulting to 27500, use 0 to disable and shutdown protocol, -port/-svport redirect to these cvars
- Clean up mixer code, should solve some problems with popping noises
- Fix bug with cl_maxfps 0 and demo playback causing lockup
- Fix netquake demo playback
- Support non-power of 2 sound buffer sizes
- Add snd_samplebits to change sample bit size (defaults to 16, can use 8), add snd_buffersize to control driver buffer size (usable with ALSA and directsound, defaults to 0 which lets the driver decide) 
- Fix up some q2 sound effects and handle sound delays
- Isolated selectable menu pictures (Q2), solves strange problem where a massive fps drop occurs with the first Q1 main menu option selected
- Added stupid hack for gl_fb_models 1;r_fullbrightskins 1, changed allow fbskins logic, r_fullbrightskins defaults to 0
- Optimization to dlights
- r_floorcolour/r_wallcolour uses 0-255 range
- r_drawflat/r_floorcolour/r_wallcolour for software, use alpha blending instead of stippling for alpha surfaces in software
- r_wateralpha for software rendering, buggy
- Add cl_gunx/cl_guny/cl_gunz, remove r_viewmodelsize as it doesn't match fuh/ezquake implementation
- Add cl_gunanglex/cl_gunangley/cl_gunanglez
- Added track/track1/track2/track3/track4
- r_rockettrail/r_grenadetrail will correctly update on change, r_rockettrail/r_grenadetrail "" will revert to default instead of no trail
- gl_conback loads from gfx/ instead of conbacks/
- Prevent buffer overrun with map name
- Precision fix for ftos
- Added pr_brokenfloatconvert which enables the old ftos behavior, defaults to 0
- Negative values of show_fps show milliseconds per frame instead of FPS
- Fixed software skybox rendering
- Fixed server banning, banip works properly and accepts the format x.x.x.x/n and x.x.x.x/x.x.x.x, added unban and banlist
- Partial ipv4 addresses work for bans
- Ban with reasons (ex. ban "I hate people on LANs")
- addip/removeip/listip can use the same format as ban (and now work for ipv6/ipx)
- Fix to master cvars
- Don't crash when worldmodel doesn't get loaded for the client
- v_*cshift/v_bonusflash vars default to 1
- Matched pmove with ZQuake
- Software renderer with plugins fix
- r_powerupglow now actually works
- Fixed TGA loading when PNG support is enabled
- Fix easyrecord command
- Added pr_droptofloorunits, sets how many units droptofloor QuakeC call will drop, defaults to "" which drops up to 256 units (Quake default)
- Add sv_floodprotect to control flood protection, defaults to 1
- Add sv_floodprotect_messages/sv_floodprotect_interval/sv_floodprotect_silencetime cvars
- Add sv_floodprotect_suicide, sv_floodprotect_sendmessage
- Fix to QCLIB progs alignment
- Fix centerprints/stuffcmds not being written to mvds
- Added snd_linearsample_stream, 1 will use linear resampling with RoQ/CIN playback, defaults to 0
- gl_texture_anisotropic_filtering is now a cvar with archive flag set
- Added linear downsampling, use snd_linearsample 2 and/or snd_linearsample_stream 2 to enable
- Add r_drawflat_nonworldmodel, defaults to 0
- Fix cl_nopext 1 issue where entity effects do not appear on powerups
- Support/fix for mice with a relative mousewheel under directinput, use m_forcewheel_threshold to adjust and m_forcewheel 2 to use relative wheel behavior
- Upgrade zlib and libpng
- Fix for NQ mods that write out strings using WriteByte (such as conquest)
- Force flame models to render fullbright again
- Fix NetQuake/DP* parsing for newer features
- Don't expand certain cvars from insecure command calls
- Fix server stuffcmd command
- Fix graphic error with 8-bit images and gl_blend2d
- Don't Sys_Error loading textures when out of scrap space
- gl_fontedgeclamp to gl_fontinwardstep, fix gl_fontinwardstep and make it accept a float range (0-1)
- Add scr_sshot_compression, sets level for png/jpg compression, ranges from 0-100 defaults to 75
- EF_ADDITIVE should work under QW protocol for NQ mods
- Protocol fixes for server bot "clients"
- Fix console selection alignment
- Fix limit pitch/yaw fpd flags