Precompiler definitions

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Syntax: #define <defname>[(<macroparams>)] [<defvalue>]

Defines a precompiler define or macro.

  • <defname> contains the define name
  • <macroparams> contains a list of parameters, seperated by commas, to use with a macro (optional)
  • <defvalue> contains the define value (optional)

After statement parsing, <defname> is considered defined. Then, FTEQCC encounters <defname> or #<defname> during parsing, it will be replaced with <defvalue>, or <defname> will be erased if <defvalue> is not defined. If <macroparams> are defined, FTEQCC will use <defvalue> in the following fashion:

  • If a parameter in <macroparams> as an isolated token is found, it is replaced into the result.
  • If a parameter in <macroparams> is found with a preceding #, it is surrounded in quotes, then placed into the result.
  • If a parameter in <macroparams> is found with 2 preceding #, it is concatenated into the result.


// Simple defines for use in precompiler control logic later on
#define MONSTERS
// Use of defines as constants
#define NEWWEAPONNAME "chainsaw with lasersight"
string s;
s = NEWWEAPONNAME; // Same as s = "chainsaw with lasersight";
s = #NEWWEAPONNAME; // Also same as s = "chainsaw with lasersight";
// Simple use of macros
#define ISEQUAL(a,b) (a == b)
float float1, float2;
if (float1 == float2)
if (ISEQUAL(float1, float2)) // Does the same thing as the previous if
// Use of stringify with macros
#define OBJECT(a) #a
string s;
s = OBJECT(mouse); // Same as s = "mouse";
// Use of concatenate with macros
#define SPECIALCLASS(a) float special_##a
SPECIALCLASS(thing); // same as float special_thing;

Warning: Macros are not the same as functions. For example:

float x;

#define SQRT(x) (x*x)
float squareroot (float x) { return x * x; }
float subtract2fromx (void) { x = x - 2; return x; }

void testfunction (void)
   x = 7; 
   y = squareroot(subtract2fromx()); // Results in (7-2) * (7-2) = 25

   x = 7;
   z = SQRT(subtract2fromx()); // Results in (7-2) * ((7-2)-2) = 15


Syntax: #undef <defname>

After statement parsing, <defname> is considered undefined. FTEQCC will no longer parse <defname> or #<defname> when it is encountered.

Control Logic






Syntax: #endif

Terminates an #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, or #else block.



Syntax: #message <message>

Prints a message of <message> in FTEQCC's output.


Syntax: #warning <message>

Causes FTEQCC to send a warning in compilation containing the message <message>.


Syntax: #error <message>

Causes FTEQCC to error in compilation with the message <message>.

File things


Syntax: #include <file>


Syntax: #includelist


Syntax: #endlist

Terminates an #includelist block.


Depreciated, use #pragma PROGS_DAT instead.

Second file things


Syntax: #eof

Terminates FTEQCC parsing. No compilation or preprocessor parsing will be done after an #eof in the file.


Syntax: #forcecrc <crc>

Forces the progs to compile with a specific CRC value instead of the precalculated one depending on target type.


Depreciated, use #pragma COPYRIGHT instead.


Syntax: #datafile <file>



Pragma (#pragma)

#pragma is an extensive precompiler statement which controls many aspects of the compiler.
Note that all unknown #pragma statements encountered by FTEQCC are ignored (with a warning.)


This pragma is parsed but ignored by FTEQCC so PREQCC-using code can compile cleanly.


Syntax: #pragma COPYRIGHT <message>

Changes the string to be embedded at the end of a compiled progs. <message> is the message to embed.

#pragma TARGET

Syntax: #pragma TARGET <target>

Switches compiled progs to a specific target type.

<target> can be the following:

  • ID, STANDARD: standard Quake progs
  • KK7: kkqwsv progs
  • H2, HEXEN2: Hexen 2 progs
  • FTE: FTE progs
  • DEBUG, FTEDEBUG: FTE progs with debug information

It is not recommended to switch target types during compilation.

#pragma PROGS_SRC

This pragma is parsed but ignored by FTEQCC so PREQCC-using code can compile cleanly.

#pragma PROGS_DAT

Syntax: #pragma PROGS_DAT <progsfile>

Changes the destination file you wish to compile to. <progsfile> contains the new file name.


   #pragma PROGS_DAT monsters.dat
   #message FTEQCC will now compile to monsters.dat
   #pragma PROGS_DAT nomonsters.dat
   #message FTEQCC will now compile to nomonsters.dat

#pragma keyword and #pragma flag


  • #pragma keyword <onoroff> <keywordid>
  • #pragma flag <onoroff> <keywordid>

#pragma warning

Syntax: #pragma warning <onoroff> <warningid>