R skybox

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Name: r_skybox
Default value: ""
Cvar flags: None
FTEQW Builds: Software Renderer OpenGL Renderer Minimal GL Build Merged Build Linux Build

Specifies the custom skybox to use. If left blank the skys will do thier default thing depending on the type of map, otherwise, you'll get your skybox.
Older versions reset this at the start of the map. This has been fixed, and it's value is now persistant.

note: if you want the fuhquake loadsky command, set up this alias:
alias loadsky "r_skybox $cmd_argv1"

! Note: ezQuake CVS Build 1171 & Fuhquake Build 675, it is now called "r_skyname", so you would setup this alias: alias r_skyname "r_skybox $cmd_argv1". ~ Moodles