Cl parseFunChars

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Revision as of 05:43, 1 November 2005 by Moodles (talk | contribs)

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Name: cl_parseFunChars
Default value: "1"
Cvar flags: None
FTEQW Builds: Software Renderer OpenGL Renderer Minimal GL Build Merged Build Linux Build

0 = Off.
1 = You can use Ocrana LED's by hand right out of the console and chat anonymously
through "$\" without showing your name (chat messages that are seen without your
name at the beginning).
Full list:
$R - red lamp
$G - green lamp
$B - blue lamp
$Y - yellow lamp
$\ - carridge return
$( - big left bracket
$= - big equal sign
$) - big right bracket
$. - red middle dot
$, - white dot (names only)
$< - small left bracket
$- - small equal sign
$> - small right bracket
$a - big grey block
$: - line feed
$b - filled red block
$d - right pointing red arrow
$[[ - gold left square bracket
$]] - gold right square bracket
$^ - white ^ (names only)
^x - red x (names only)
$0-9 - yellow number
$xyy - char with hex code yy
(In order to use the lamps, you'll need the Ocrana pak).

! Note: Need a link to the Ocrana Pak ~ Moodles