R particlesdesc

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Name: r_particlesdesc
Default value: "spikeset"
Cvar flags: latch semicheat
FTEQW Builds: Software Renderer OpenGL Renderer Minimal GL Build Merged Build Linux Build

r_particledesc spikeset
r_particledesc faithful
r_particledesc highfps

If changing r_particledesc while already ingame, you will need to reconnect or change map for the particle set to take effect.

Contains the particle set to be loaded.

Internal sets:
- *spikeset*: Default particle set
- *faithful*: Immitates Quake particles as close as possible
- *highfps*: Set intended for high FPS
- *none*: Loads in no set

Any other values specified will try to load a particle config with the given cvar value.

Note: To make an external set, you will need to make a text file and save it to a file (with .cfg extension) in the quake/id1/ folder, for example call it "particles.cfg". To see your modified external particle set in action, you will need to do "r_particlesdesc particles" in the console. (And possibily reconnect or changemap for it to take effect if already ingame) ~ Moodles

See r_part for more information on how to make your own external particle set.

Cvar flags: Cvar_Latch Cvar_SemiCheat